Saturday, May 18, 2013

Batch 2 Update

I received my second order of virgin coconut oil in the mail yesterday! Almost all of the previously placed orders are complete. Next I need to purchase some tea tree oil so I can complete a request for that. So if anyone else would like a tea tree oil butter or scrub let me know. I also now have a Paypal set up and a FedEx account set up for those of you I can't easily meet up with. There will be an extra charge for shipping. 

I ordered a dozen jars online that were different than my original jars. Won't be doing that again. I don't like the way the lids painted or how I had to tie the raffia on in a different place. They are still cute and I will be using them to complete this order, I just prefer my original jars. Who would of known I'd have a mason jar preference! :)

So far, my friends who have received their orders love it. I ask for feed back so I can improve anywhere if needed!

I appreciate everyone's tremendous support! I have the coolest friends and family!

Labels are still pending. I can't wait to put them on! They are so cute!

Here's the second batch! Pink post-its labeling who bought them. Lid color determines the scent of the product.

Charla and Lil' ZiZi

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