Thursday, May 30, 2013

New Sugar Scrub!

This weekend I will have a batch of a new scented scrub! COCONUT AND LIME! Perfect for summer! Thank you to a good friend for the yummy suggestion!

I can't wait to try it! Be sure to let me know if you'd like me to make you a jar! And don't forget to let us know what you think about the product, now that so many of you have used it!

Thank you!
Charla and Lil ZiZi 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Orders Are Out and Ready for More!

People are receiving their orders! I've shipped them all out and waiting on the last of the local folks to pick theirs up. So far the reviews are great! Everyone loves their scrub and butter. I'm so happy everyone is loving it as much as I do! 

A happy customers order she received!

My third shipment of virgin coconut oil should be delivered today and I will finish up all previously place orders and take new orders. 

Let me know if you'd like to place an order. If you've already received your order, let us know what you think!

Thank you everyone!
Charla and Lil ZiZi 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Batch 2 Update

I received my second order of virgin coconut oil in the mail yesterday! Almost all of the previously placed orders are complete. Next I need to purchase some tea tree oil so I can complete a request for that. So if anyone else would like a tea tree oil butter or scrub let me know. I also now have a Paypal set up and a FedEx account set up for those of you I can't easily meet up with. There will be an extra charge for shipping. 

I ordered a dozen jars online that were different than my original jars. Won't be doing that again. I don't like the way the lids painted or how I had to tie the raffia on in a different place. They are still cute and I will be using them to complete this order, I just prefer my original jars. Who would of known I'd have a mason jar preference! :)

So far, my friends who have received their orders love it. I ask for feed back so I can improve anywhere if needed!

I appreciate everyone's tremendous support! I have the coolest friends and family!

Labels are still pending. I can't wait to put them on! They are so cute!

Here's the second batch! Pink post-its labeling who bought them. Lid color determines the scent of the product.

Charla and Lil' ZiZi

Friday, May 17, 2013

Recently, I jumped on the band wagon of coconut oil and apple cider vineger. Coconut oil, being a lot more fun and a lot better smelling, I decided to start making some products for my friends. I recently made my first batch of what I like to call "Lil' ZiZi's Natural Coconut Butter." (Lillian ZiZi is my 1 year old daughter) Its made from virgin coconut oil, vitamin e, and essential oil. Essential oil is only added if you want a fragrance besides the natural coconut scent. Currently I have lavender, eucalyptus and sweet orange. I love the way it melts in to my skin leaving it feeling soft and hydrated. Not to mention with no preservatives or toxic ingredients to soak in to your body! I love it! It is so safe, I also use it on my daughter! So, next was on to "Lil' ZiZi's Natural Sugar Scrub," containing seal salt, raw sugar, virgin coconut oil, vitamin e and essential oil if requested. The scrub has the same scents available.

Here is a photo of my first batch! Labels are in the works. Currently available are 8oz jars of each product. Coconut Butter $8.50 and Sugar Scrub for $9.00.

I will be making my second batch this weekend, which has already been pre-ordered. I will be making a 3rd batch in the next 2 weeks and will have paypal and shipping ready to go!

Let me know of any fun recipes you know about and maybe I can get ideas and start jarring it up for you, or share your experience with coconut oil!

Here is a link to 1001 uses of coconut oil. I love this stuff!

Thank you so much!
Charla and Lil ZiZi